Why You Need To See The Dentist

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     You’d find few people who consider going to the dentist to be a fun experience, but it is necessary. People who avoid going to the dentist do so for a number of reasons, but seeing the dentist at least once a year is important for a variety of reasons.

Taking care of your teeth

     Of course, the main reason to see the dentist is to take care of your teeth. While regular brushing and flossing are important, they aren’t enough for most people. To keep your teeth in good shape, you need professional cleaning services from a dentist. This includes the scraping off of tartar, mechanical brushing of your teeth and fluoride treatments.

Identifying problems

     Cavities usually start very small and grow bigger the longer they aren’t attended to. Seeing the dentist regularly helps to ensure that cavities and other problems are identified early when it is easier to fix them. Your dentist also may be able to identify more serious problems, such as oral cancer, at an early stage when they are much more treatable. Avoiding the dentist until you have a problem with your teeth is likely to mean that the problem will be much worse.

Taking care of your overall health

     Healthy teeth and gums are an important factor in your overall health. Studies have shown that gum and tooth disease can be a contributing factor to heart disease, so it is important to take care of your teeth with regular dental visits.

Paying for the dentist

     Many people who avoid the dentist do so because of the cost. Dental insurance is inexpensive and it usually pays for two cleanings a year. Even if you don’t have insurance, the cost of a cleaning is only around $75. If you can’t afford that, there may be free services available.

For more, please see dentist in Arlington VA.

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